Cornell Alumni Association of Taiwan New Student Online Event 2021

July 24, 2021

Cornell Alumni Association of Taiwan New Student Online Event 2021

The Cornell Alumni Association of Taiwan (CAAT), in conjunction with CAAAN Taiwan and Cornell Club of Taiwan, joined hands for the first time to give our new students a warm welcome and send-off. Due to heightened pandemic alert in the past two months, the originally planned Send-Off Banquet was changed to a 70 min ZOOM. But it turns out to be a succinct and cosy virtual meet-up, featuring experience sharing by both on-campus students and graduated alumni. It aims to connect students to both the Taiwan local and Ithaca based communities, to enable them to gain a headstart on what to expect on Campus and what to expect after graduation. Things discussed range from culture shock, where the good food is, grade upkeep versus self-exploration, career versus interest, etc. Presidents from both Clubs, Freda Tsai(B Arch ’90, CAAT) and Bianca Tseng(CS & ECE ’23, CTT) made a brief opening, then CAAAN Chair Jennifer Huang (MBA ’88) led off the sessions by sharing her student day experience, followed by CCT Ian Huang(Hotel ’24) and Julia Chang(Eng ’24). CAAT session began with Anya Chang (MBA ’12) a seasoned banker; Ya-Shan Chuang (PhD ’19) scientist for Covid vaccine, Terence Tsai (BS ’87) Management Professor in CEIBS, and Richard Moh (MEng, MBA) Chairman of MAA Group. This event marks the beginning of future join-hand collaborations between CAAT and other Cornell communities in student services.

2021 New Student Events - 7/29