Taoyuan City Mayor San Cheng Chang Life Story Sharing

August 17, 2024

Taoyuan City Mayor San Cheng Chang Life Story Sharing

GIS NTU Socrates Hall B1, No. 85, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Rd., Da’an Dist., Taipei City

Returnee to Cornell

Reflections upon the the sense and sensibility of my Cornell Education

Leaving the sunny Stanford in California for the snow-covered Cornell may have seemed puzzling to many people. Yet it seemed destined that Cornell would shape a very different life for me.

A mysterious drive in my heart led me to a career path that was neither academic nor professional, nor political, but was nonetheless colorful and varied. Underlying every phase of my career is an ideal. As I enter my seventies, I am happy to share this journey with Cornell alumni and my longtime colleagues at National Taiwan University.

Date: August 17 (Saturday), 2024
Venue: 集思台大會議中心 ‎GIS NTU Socrates Hall
B1, No. 85, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Rd., Da’an Dist., Taipei City

Parking: NTU Gongguan Car Park

10:00-11:40 Speech
11:40pm-12:00 QA